Learn to effectively help others negotiate and collaborate through difficult disputes. This program provides Mediators Without Borders training on the INACCORD conflict analysis model for both mediation and arbitration practice, in addition to practice opportunities to apply new skills in simulated role plays. As part of the arbitration training, learn how to facilitate a hearing, weigh evidence and testimony, and render an award. This program includes 3 courses: the foundational INACCORD mediation, applied practice, and arbitration.
*Prior to registering, you will need to create a student account so that we can provide you coursework information directly, and keep your data secure.
*If you have already registered for this course, click here to access our online campus.
To register call Genna Murphy at 877.Boulder (877.268.5337) Students that (a) require a loan; (b) are veterans or family members;
(c) looking to achieve Continuing Education Units; (d) would like their certificate co-branded with a university, please call Genna Murphy at 877.boulder (877.268.5337)