White Papers
White Papers are reports that inform the reader on a complex topic in a synthesized, accessible manner. Mediators Without Borders generates White Papers to help our clients understand the statistical efficacy and significance of our unique INACCORD model. Stay tuned for upcoming reports.
- Empirical Analysis of the INACCORD Model of Conflict Resolution: Mediation and Arbitration Data from Romania, 2012 to 2015 A statistical analysis of mediated land redistribution disputes in post-communism Romania, conducted between 2012-2015. The data measures the effectiveness of the INACCORD model, in terms of increases in disputant's emotional empowerment, and improved understanding of the mediation process. Analytics run by Excelsior College and Corr Analytics, published September 10, 2015.
ADR Books
*To place a book order, please email us directly at books@mwbdr.com.
- In Justice, inAccord Across couples, companies, or countries, conflict is inevitable. Yet the INACCORD model presents a way to turn obstacles into opportunities by providing a sense of fairness and dignity to those in search of justice. This text places INACCORD within the larger context of alternative dispute resolution, and offers the model for potential practitioners of the process.
- Touchstone Skills for Authentic Communication Our unique communication techniques provide the foundation of transparency, collaboration, and empathy for all of our conflict resolution methods. Learn how incorporating three simple techniques into your everyday conversation can transform the relationships and disputes in your life.