Mediators Without Borders®, in collaboration with Arbitrators Without Borders® Introduce:

Vision Mission Values


  1. to facilitate Corporate Good Governance by helping align a company's vision, mission and values with their short- and long-term interests

  2. to further help a company match their vision, mission and values by creating a transparent system of accountability in inevitable instances of dispute among employees, management, board and investors and supply chain vendors.

  3. to offer on demand dispute resolution services fully online with an emphasis on mitigating issues at the earliest onset

  4. to offer an ongoing database of their dispute resolution system so company might identify and mitigate common areas of conflict, misalignments between management and vision, mission and values and course corrections to implement preventative strategies in the workplace and with vendors and the greater public

INACCORD acts in the long-term interests of:

  1. Its corporate clients and their workforces.

  2. Economic sustainability through best practices of employee hiring and retention.

  3. Its shareholders and own workforce and leadership teams.

  4. And a more equitable society

Vision, Mission and Values

Mission: We offer our corporate clients a pillar of good governance through a data driven, procedurally fair and predictable path of grievance mechanisms to help them create and maintain a diverse, loyal and creative culture. We offer aggregated data for the company to use to better manage risks and balance the need for economic sustainability while valuing their human capital.

Vision: People, process, performance and purpose.


  • Unity: We are all in this together, demonstrated through our shared empathy and compassion.

  • Right Action: We act from honesty, integrity and transparency with coworkers, customers and vendors, even when no one is watching.

  • Evolve and Adapt: We believe in one another. Mistakes are ok as long as you learn from them and become better and wiser.

  • Know your biases: We strive to being open to differences and value the diverse views of others.

  • Innovate: We constantly look for ways to improve on all things, even if they seem to be working properly.

Schedule a Mediation or Arbitration:

Call now for a complimentary and confidential assessment of your case for INACCORD mediation or arbitration.