INACCORD is our groundbreaking model for facilitated conflict resolution. Perfected over the course of twenty years, INACCORD is entirely unique to Mediators Without Borders. The model emphasizes transparency, communication, and empathy to ensure clients experience an impartial and transformative resolution process. The model guides disputants through three phases and four stages, allowing them an active role in their own accord, while maximizing satisfaction and understanding.
The three phases of the model include (a) an initial evaluation of the suitability for resolution in mediation or arbitration, (b) the 4-stage mediation session or arbitration hearing, and (c) a post-accord interview. The information gathered during Phase One sets the groundwork for the formal conflict resolution process, while Phase Three provides an opportunity for disputants to reflect upon their INACCORD experience. Exit surveys measure changes in disputant empowerment, whether expectations were met, and whether the professional and the INACCORD process were impartial.